parallel FASHION

Josefine Forsberg

Josefine Forsberg

Josefine Forsberg
Famous Josefine Forsbeg (TIGELLE) for
Can you tell us a bit about you?
I have always loved to have my picture taken, my big dream as a young girl was to work in modelling. I started my instagram account in the beginning as an outlet for my interest, and as the number of followers grew i started to view Instagram as a part of my job, and was dedicated to grow my account even bigger. Around that time I started working in modelling, and got to travel around the world and work wiith a lot of inspiring people. About a year ago, I started my own Intimates and swimwear brand TIGELLE, Which is a true passion project for me. It’s been such an inspiring and self fullfilling journey to start my own company, and something I’m really passionate about.
How would you describe yourself?
I’m a pretty free spirited person, who lives to enjoy life to it’s fullest. I strongly believe in always taking care of yourself in first hand, in order to achieve everything you take on in life in terms of career and relationships in a successful way. I’m also a person who believes in Karma, if you put out good vibrations into the world – good things will come to you. I try to let my heart guide me as much as possible through life, in order to always stay true to my self.
What Music means to you?
For me, music is about feelings. To connect with yourself and the feelings you are having at a specific time and place. I live and breathe music every day, while I’m exercising or meditating or just at home as a mood setter. Me and my boyfriend play all different kinds of music and genres at home every day. The best thing about music is that it’s a language everybody can understand, it’s a way to connect with each other through emotions. In that way, for me music is ultimately just Love.
Favorite project you worked on?
The best project I have ever worked on is without doubt my own brand TIGELLE – Intimates & Swimwear. Working with TIGELLE is pure passion for me. I get to try my own wings, and convey my message to the world – that every shape and size is sexy and can wear my products. TIGELLE makes me smile every day.
Your worst nightmare? Most beautiful dream?
I remember my dreams almost every night, and they are always a reflection of how I’m feeling in my awake life. My worst nightmares are when I’m not sure if I’ve had a dream or not when I wake up. I have had really scary experiences of sleep paralysis, when I have heard voices in my bedroom, and can’t move or open my eyes. But I also remember a lot of amazing dreams. Sometimes I feel grateful for having experienced a beautiful dream, even if it all happened in my head. I still feel the same feelings as i would if it happened in real life. One great dream I had once was when I dreamt I could fly. I was floating in the sunset towards a horizon and my whole body was in total euphoria.
Incoming news?
I recently participated in the recently released music video AIRPLANE MODE – ON1Y (youtube)
And of course – I always have new things going on with my own brand TIGELLE. Check out more here:
What are you doing Saturday night?
Since the summer weather right now in Stockholm is so fantastic, I´m going to gather all my best friends and dance all day and night at Stockholms best club – Josefinas.
What do you have in your pockets right now?
Nothing rignt now as Im only wearing a bikini, which is the best outfit ever. But i usually allways wear my phone and homekeys in my pockets.
…some last words in french for our french readers?
As it says on my boyfriend chest : “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité.” Thats all we need! ☺
Courtesy of Josefine Forsberg -