parallel ART

Stunning artist Celine Farach for
Can you tell us a bit about you? My name is Celine Farach, I’m 20 years old. Born and raised in Miami Fl. I live in LA now. I’m a singer and songwriter. Most started knowing me as a model, which is also an important part of who I am. Starting modeling as a child, then music took over, but I am very fashion driven, plus modeling helped me pay bills to move to Los Angeles to pursue my music career as well. I do believe all artists now are models (through branding). Music and fashion always go hand in hand.
What do you prefer the most, performing or producing? I love the creating process. I do not do that alone. I have a really tight team who works together with me to create the sound and songwrite, but there's nothing like finally performing your songs. My main producer and co-songwriter VEE, Lewis and Ruben from SMLE, MAKJ, Mario Gil and Nando Pro are some of my best friends in music. But the ultimate high note is performing, definitely.
What music means to you? It means connecting, because what’s important is how music feels when someone listens to it. It connects to you, It connects to your everyday life, It helps you share your feelings and interests with others as well.
What is the impact of music in your life? Music is the soundtrack of our lives. as cliche as it may sound, it is very true. Other than when you get surrounded by nature (which could also represent an atypical music vibe), the rest of our day is surrounded by music.
In two words, how would you describe your style? The style is still a two word name, but there's various ways of knowing it. Dance Pop, Electro Pop, Future Pop, it all falls under indie pop. Even EDM is pop now... My style is all of that. Take your pick!
Do you have any advice out there for anyone interested about beginning singing? Don’t hold back, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. Just screw them and keep going. Your heart and soul knows better than anyone else.
Your worst nightmare? Most beautiful dream? The worst nightmare is swimming surrounded by sharks.
Most beautiful dream would be unlimited sushi and cookies with no weight gain. Hahaha!
Incoming news? Currently working on new music with very amazing people, you will soon know. My EP "Respect" will be released soon. Collaborating on some tracks with great djs that will premiere throughout the year and my current collab "Run This Town" with dj duo Niiko x Swae has hit the Top 20 songs of the Billboard Dance Charts this week. Living a great moment musically and growing as an artist by being contacted by big names, I cannot yet mention, is the best feeling. Our hard work is starting to pay off and we did it all on our own. All organic. Indie. Asia is big for me, but heading to Europe next...
What were you doing Saturday night? Well, I was in Japan and I performed at the Yokohama Arena. I stayed and watched my friend Verbal perform with his band M-Flo (who are legends in Japan and just made a comeback).
A last word in french for our readers? Je t'aime and merci! Hope to visit and play in France and around Europe really soon! Thank you for reaching out and this wonderful interview.
Courtesy of MKE / Masterkeyentertainment -
Itunes/Spotify/Twitter : @celinefarach